Advanced usage

Making gene interval files

In order to work with other builds of human and mouse genome, or with other organisms, the mk_pegs_intervals utility should be used to generate a reference gene interval data file for input into the PEGS analysis:

mk_pegs_intervals REFGENE_FILE

where REFGENE_FILE is the refGene annotation data for the genome of interest.

These annotations can be obtained from the UCSC table browser as follows:

  • Select the genome and build of interest in the table browser

  • Ensure that NCBI RefSeq track is selected

  • Select get output to download the annotation to a local file.

An example of the table browser page for mm10 is shown below:

Example heatmap from PEGS with 'seagreen' colour scheme

By default the output gene interval file will be called <REFGENE_FILE>_intervals.bed; you can explicitly specify the name using the -o option:

mk_pegs_intervals refGene_mm10.txt -o refGene_mm10_120719_intervals.bed

Customising the heatmap

Specifying the heatmap image format (PNG, SVG, PDF etc)

By default the heatmap is output from PEGS in PNG format, however it is possible to change this in one of two ways, either:

  • Use the --format option to explicitly specify the format as png, svg, pdf etc, or

  • Use the -m option to explicitly specify the name for the output heatmap and use the appropriate file extension for the image format that you want (for example my_heatmap.svg will automatically generate the heatmap as an SVG image).

Setting the heatmap axis labels

The default axis labels in the heatmap can be changed using the --x-label and --y-label options, which specify the label for the gene clusters (X-axis) and for the peak sets/distances (Y-axis).

For example:

--x-label "Gene clusters" --y-label "Peaks and distances"

Changing the heatmap colours

The heatmap colour palette is the default Seaborn cubehelix palette as generated by the seaborn.cubehelix_palette function:

A custom palette can be specified by using the --color option to supply a base colour, for example:

--color seagreen

which produces a heatmap of the form:

Example heatmap from PEGS with 'seagreen' colour scheme

Alternatively the palette can be fully specified by setting the parameters supplied to seaborn.cubehelix_palette, by using the --heatmap-palette option. For example, specifying:

--heatmap-palette start=2 reverse=True

results in a “blue/green” heatmap (start=2) with low values rendered as darker and high values as lighter (reverse=True):

Example heatmap from PEGS specifying cubixhelix palette

Some other examples can be found at